Star of the Week                       



Clarabelle O'T

For joing in with everything, super phonics and having a lovely sense of humour.




Laurence W

For making excellent choices in class and making proud with his effort.




Angels E

Trying so hard in all subjects, especially phonics.



Isla H

For consistent effort especially in her writing, using lovely expression in her guided reading and some great ideas.



Callum D

FANTASTIC READING - at home and in class and always following our three school values.



Sena P

For always trying her best, being respectful, kind and consistently always reading at home. An all round superstar!




Hussain C

For having a mature attitude to his classrom behaviour, well done.




Thalia B

For working so hard with her maturiy and effort.




Amber N

For her mature attitude to learning and excellent effort in maths.



Lunchtime Stars

Isabelle H

For showing our three school values at lunchtimes a credit to the school and Cedar class

Ava T

For being extra helpful this week and helping the lunchtime organisers.



Pastoral Star

Piper C



Assistant Head School Kindness Star

Archie L

For looking after a friend when they hurt themselves during PE.


Head of School Values Star


For showing Resilience and a real flair in art producing some amazing obsevational drawing.




Head Boy & Head Girl




Hello, my name is Tommy-Lee and I'm the head boy of Woodbank Primary School. I love Woodbank because of Woody; our school dog, forest school and staff are amazing. I have been at Woodbank since nursery. It's the best place to be and I'd love to stay at Woodbank forever!