Star of the Week                       



Ivy S

A huge improvement in her confidence, reading and writing.

Noah A

Super effort in carpet sessions and has settled so much into Reception!









Ismael M

An always child. Great effort in all areas and following school values.



Sam S

Lovely descriptive writing about a setting and a huge improvement in effort and concentration.



Minnie P

Mature attitude, excellent effort and great work.



Edie O

For just being amazing. Always doing the right thing, working hard and is a fantastic super coach.




Finley B

For being a gorgeous member of Willow Class. So responsible and a huge impeovement in his work.




Aiden F

For huge improvement in attitude, effort and motivation. Keep it up.




Tom S

TOP EFFORT - Revising in school and at home - THANK YOU TOM. A super star!



Lunchtime Stars




A lovely addition to lunchtimes and already following our 3 school values.



Pastoral Star

Lilah H




Assistant Head School Kindness Star

Aleeza A

For looking after and playing with a younger child who was on their own at a lunchtime this week.


Head of School Values Star

Gracie C & Aoife H

For being RESPONSIBLE and tidying away all the left out equipment and picking up litter at dinner time.




Head Boy & Head Girl


Hi, My name is Mikayla, I am 11 years old and I have been at Woodbank since I was 4. My hobbies are; video editing, listening to Taylor Swift, creative writing, reading for pleasure and designing random products. I think Woodbank is a good school because we have Woody our school dog, lots of class treats, the reading bus, Woodbanks Got Talent, Sports Day and so much more. 

I am very proud to be head girl at Woodbank.


Hello my name is Harry and I'm the head boy of Woodbank Primary School.

I think Woodbank is an amazing school because we have; forest school, the farm, the playground equipment plus our teachers are amazing too- in fact, you can't get any  better!

My hobbies; I enjoy karate, football and swimming. Pretty much anything sporty. I am a great student and work hard.

I am very proud to be head boy at Woodbank.