
Un idioma te deja en el pasillo. Dos idiomas abren cada puerta en el camino. â€“ Frank Smith

One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. 

Mrs Wareing

Spanish Subject Lead

Spanish at Woodbank...

At Woodbank we believe that learning a foreign language provides a valuable experience to help our children develop their communication skills and build foundations for careers and travel opportunities in their later lives. We also believe that learning a modern foreign language is exciting and should be enjoyed by the whole class, including the teachers as this will help to create a love for learning about how language works, with a hope to promote this through the children’s later life of language learning. 

Learning a new language provides the children with opportunities to develop their knowledge of the world that they live in and encourage them to understand the similarities and differences of other cultures to their own. 

All Key Stage 2 children are entitled to foreign language learning in school. We have therefore developed a comprehensive scheme ranging from Year 3-6. At Woodbank, we learn Spanish. 


Curriculum Documents

Spanish Progression Map

Spanish Vocabulary Progression

Spanish Policy

Gallery of Learning




Extra Curricular

Links and Downloads