
We aim to provide you with information about how our Parent Teacher Association forms a big part of school life, what we do and how you can help. 

Over the years the PTA has raised thousands of pounds which have been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s educational experience and the schools facilities. But we are about so much more than that. We lend support to school events, provide closer links between home and school by bringing staff, parents and children together socially.

We welcome new ideas and feedback and our aim is to take away the stigma of a cliquey group. PTA does not stand for “Parents to Avoid!” We want to inject fun into events, provide much needed resources for the teachers and children and raise money.

 We appreciate that not everyone can dedicate hours on end, we can’t do it, so why should you?  All support is welcome as it enables us to help the school.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions either in person, via email on:      


Or find us on facebook: https://m.facebook.com/WoodbankPSPTA/

 “Our PTA is a friendly, committed and hard-working group of people who organise a number of different events over the school year to raise additional funds for school. Currently the PTA are working very hard to raise money for our Reading Bus for the benefit of the whole school community. Your support at all the PTA events is very much appreciated.”

Kelly Macadam- CEO  

Role of the committee


Everyone linked to the school automatically becomes part of our PTA. We encourage you to get involved, whether it’s helping to plan events, run stalls, cut out leaflets, photocopy or shop for items. Every bit of time you can contribute is greatly appreciated.

On average we meet up for 1.5hrs once every half term in the evening. We have our Annual General Meeting (AGM)  at the start of the new school year. The treasurer presents a statement of accounts; we report on the last school year’s activities and elect official members for the coming year. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. 

Our PTA consists of 4 officers, Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. We also have between 10-15 ordinary committee members to make up the full committee.

PTA roles:

Chairperson: Samantha Donagain Dewar

Vice Chairperson: Laura Bairstow

Treasurer: Clare Heenan







 How do we raise money?

Monster Ball  Dress down days
Summer Fair

Christmas Fair 

Valentines Disco

Chocolate Bingo 

Breakfast with Santa Yr 6 Leavers Prom 


As you can see there’s always something going on! We try to respond to the children’s requests as it’s great to see them having fun. Not all events are about raising money, but to provide an experience.

We raise money in other ways too. Donations from parents are extremely important. You can donate time, money, items for sale, raffle prizes or offer sponsorship, services or skills.


How do we spend money?

We respond to requests made by the head teacher and staff with their “wish lists”. It’s really important that we contribute to projects both large and small that benefit every child within the community.

 Examples of contributions we’ve made:


Items purchased COST

IPADS and Cameras

£ 4000
Book Bags & Water Bottles £250
Year 6 Leavers Prom & T-Shirts £400
Football Shelter in Playground £5000
Year 6 Crucial Crew £323
Contribution to text message service £200

Key Stage 1 Equipment


Coach Trips


Charitable Status


Woodbank Primary School Parent Teacher Association is a registered charity (1072929). As a charity we must abide by the Charity Commission rules and regulations and are bound by our governing document referred to as our constitution. A copy of our constitution is available on request; please ask one of our committee members. Being a charity allows us to:

  • Receive charitable donations from local and national companies
  • Apply to grant making charitable trusts
  • Receive donations made through payroll giving and company matched giving schemes
  • Apply for gift aid


Links with Local Businesses & Charities:

We have, overtime, developed strong links with the local community and are always well supported by both residents, charities and businesses, for which we are very grateful. Many of our local shops are very generous providing donations for raffle prizes and some have taken part in our events.