Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, schools are required to hold a Publication Scheme that is readily available to the public and details the school's commitment to proactively publish information. Schools must adopt the ICO’s model Publication Scheme in full -please see the link on which you can find the ICO's model Publication Scheme.
A 'Guide to Information' is a document where schools should list the type of information they, or third parties, hold, where this information is stored and whether there is a charge should an individual request it under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Click here for the Freedom of Information Definition Document
As a community school the local authority decide our admission arrangements. Please contact the local authority or click on the admissions link for more information.
Accessibility Improvement Plan 2022-2023
Accessibility Objectives 2023/24
Charging and Remissions Policy (reviewed Sept 23)
Department for Education School Performance tables Website
Equality Objectives (reviewed March 23)
Keeping Children Safe in Education website link
Privacy Notice for Staff
Privacy Notice for Pupils and Families
Pupil Premium Policy (reviewed Feb 2020)
Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2023
Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024
Accessibility Objectives 2021/2022
Accessibility Objectives 2019/20
Accessibility Objectives 2018/19
Accessibility Objectives 2017/18
Accessibility Objectives 2016/2017
Pupil Premium Strategy 2018-2019
Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-2020
Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2021
Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022
Pupil Premium Action Plan 15-16